FISHES (this section will also host eventual pictures of marine mammalia)
CORALS / ANEMONES (included hydrozoans and anthozoans such as anemones, gorgonians etc.)
INVERTEBRATES / REPTILES (here you find images of Crustaceans, Molluscs, Echinoderms and marine Reptiles)
OTHER (generic pictures that can't be categorized in the previous sections)

Pictures are organized in a database. That allows either to customize the order the images and to make searches based on Family, Species, size, sea (Andaman or Pacific), eventual dangerousness or presence of venom. For some picture they are available video clips and/or a version at higher resolution.


Maximum length
Depth (low, middle, high)
Found on Andaman Sea
Found on Pacific Ocean
Present in Andaman Sean and Pacific Ocean
Venomous (stings or skin)
Has poisonous meat
Lethal Venom
Moderately dangerous
Potentially dangerous
Available image at high resolution (mouse over the picture)
Video clip available (click on the icon)
Last picture loaded on February 2010 (section : Fishes)
clouded moray
Clouded Moray

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